I learned to never make "promises" for my blog now....here you were promised pictures of our cruise in January, and it is May now and still not done! Good grief! I don't know how you guys and gals that post regularly do it. Maybe I just didn't get the "blog" gene....anyway, here is a pathetic attempt to add a few pictures....the first one is from our room balcony on the Royal Caribbean "Mariner" in St. Thomas, USVI. This next one is me & my sweet boy on our balcony in St. Maarten. The third one is what we woke up to every morning of Camden looking down on us from his bunk bed that pulled down across the top of our bed. :) The last one is my boys on the Royal Caribbean private island, Cococay, in the Bahamas. I hope to finally print some pictures this week and get our photo album done for you all to see!
Life has been crazy to say the least. I never knew I could go from coasting along quite well to pure and utter chaos so quickly! It is all good, and God is faithful to provide through it all completely. Forgive me for not updating sooner though. I hope to do better in the future. That's all for now!