Saturday, August 2, 2008

Swim Lessons

Camden had 8 swim lessons in the afternoons for two weeks (Mon-Thurs) at the indoor pool at our gym. The picture above is the last day of class when the kids raced with the flotation devices. This is his 3rd year to take lessons, yet he has never really swam on his own until now. I guess we didn't spend enough time in the water in prior years for it to stick. However, we are swimming much more this summer than usual, and we plan to swim year round at the gym to keep up his skills.

He was so brave, and he now will swim underwater for short distances (longer ones if you just back up without telling him). We are so excited that he has had successful lessons. The picture below is him swimming to the wall by himself.

The picture below is Camden swimming to the ladder after jumping in the deep end. He swam a long distance (for him) from where he jumped in to the ladder. Sorry the picture is off was an afterthought to take the picture, and I almost missed it completely. Overall, we had a great experience!

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