Saturday, September 28, 2013

Easiest Ministry Opportunity Without Advance Planning

Looking at the calendar, I quickly could see that if I wanted to get started doing family missions, my opportunities were limited in the coming weeks.  I needed to get something under our belt quickly, squeezed into the little free time we had today.  I have a short list of people on my mind with ideas of what I want to do for them.  You know, the people when you’re sitting in prayer meeting that somehow jump off the page to you out of the list of literally a hundred names in need of prayer.  I have to think that God makes different names pop to different people so that we accomplish His purposes.  I don’t want to just minister to the popular shut in.  I want to see those that no one else seems to know too. 

If you are looking for a blessing and to be a blessing, the easiest ministry opportunity that requires no advanced planning is available to you anywhere you live…the nursing home.  Seriously, even if you are in a brand new place where you know no one, you can go in nursing homes and tell them you just want to visit with some patients.  Ask for who never has family to come see them.  Start there. 

We had two names in two different facilities on my heart to visit today.  Now, as you can imagine, our visits only lasted around 10 or 15 minutes each due to taking my ten, four, and two year olds.  We told them up front that we wouldn’t stay long because of the toddlers, but we just wanted to stop by a few minutes.  One gentleman we visited used to work at one of our favorite restaurant stops.  We went to see him first.  I had asked his son (who works there too) if it was OK to visit sometime.  He said sure.  He works so much that it is hard for him to spend as much time with his dad as he would like.  So, I knocked on the father’s door and reminded him that we were faithful patrons that were missing having him around when we ate there.   My boys carefully gave him hugs (he has fallen several times and broken hips and such), and we chatted about his new “home” away from home.  We asked if we could pray with him before we left, and he said yes.  I got to lead us in prayer for his continued healing and adjustment to the new situation.  This was huge to me because I have been eating at this restaurant for years.  At least 7.  Maybe more.  We are so frequent that they know my order and start preparing it when they see my van pull in.  I have spent time trying to befriend the staff there, and I routinely ask them about their lives and pray for them.  I am uncertain of the spiritual condition of these sweet people, but I was greatly encouraged that this gentleman allowed me to pray for him and said “Amen” after I finished.  I continually pray for salvation for the staff there if they don’t know Jesus.  I pray for opportunity to share if God opens the door while I’m there.  (It’s easy to remember to pray because I’m also praying my kids don’t tear the place apart during our feeding session.  Lol)  Even during my “fog” years of raising babies, I’ve tried to be mindful of the opportunities that I do have to be Jesus to other people.  My realm of influence was limited since my contact with people was limited, but you just gotta do the best you can with what you’re given.

Our second stop was to see a sweet family friend that goes to our church.  This lady went to church with us years ago at another place as well.  She’s had a hard time recovering from knee surgery on her second knee and is stuck in rehab again.  She greatly enjoyed seeing my boys in all their rambunctiousness, as her grandchildren are all older now.   Eric led us in prayer with her as well.  I told him before we ever got out at the first visit to not let me forget for us all to pray over the people we visit.  If you want to make a huge difference to people, offer to pray over them.  This may be out of your comfort zone, but you will be surprised at how doing this quick act of service for someone will impact their day and their life.  It’s one thing to say, “I’m praying for you!”  It is another to actually do it.  Right there.  On the spot.  I try to do this on Facebook posts too, but I don’t always have time to type it out.  You may not realize it, but there are people in this world that have never had anyone pray specifically for them in their presence.  Makes an impact.  When God answers that prayer, that person’s faith is strengthened…faith in the Lord and faith in the power of prayer.  Try it.  You’ll be amazed at what you find. 

Well, I better wrap this up.  I’m excited to head to celebrate the 18th birthday of my best friend’s daughter.  I cannot believe she is 18.  She is an amazing young woman of God, and I can’t wait to see her day totally rock celebrating her!  I’m so encouraged by her love and dedication to the Lord.  She so deserves this neat party.  They are incorporating something from each of her former birthdays.  It’s a 6 hour party, so I’m only taking my crazies for a little while.  ;)  I hope you all have a blessed day!  Remember, be kinder than necessary.  People ultimately just need Jesus. 

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