Thursday, September 26, 2013

Introduction to My Purpose

If you know me well, you know that I like words.  I love to talk, and I love to write.  As a mom of a 10 year old, a 4 year old, and a 2 year old, I feel like I rarely have time to do either.  I have so many more words per day I need to use than even the average woman (I’m quite sure), and I tend to feel depressed when I can’t get them out.  Facebook has been a great outlet for me in that I feel like I am communicating with other adults…at least to a limited degree.  Everyone has their opinion on the glories and detriment of Facebook in their lives.  It has been overall a great tool for me (although not without a few times I want to scream at it).  I love to be able to pray for people I care about and know what is going on in their lives.  I love to be able to step up and help out sometimes that I would have never known a need existed for otherwise.  I love to have people rally around me and pray for me when I’m in the trenches of despair over yet another toddler tantrum that broke the camel’s back.  I love looking at pictures of the good in my friends’ lives, and I love allowing my family back home a chance to “know” my boys and their quirks and daily lives in ways like no other generation has had before that moved far away from “home” to start a new home.  So, my statuses are rarely ever a simple, “I went to the store.”  I love using many words to paint a picture of the point I’m trying to get across.  In high school English, I had mastered grammar and mechanics to where I rarely lost any points on my essays there.  That red ink bled “wordy” more than once.  ;)  So, sit back, relax, and read awhile.  Or go read another friend’s blog that is short and sweet if that is more your flavor.

I’ve decided to start blogging against my will.  Facebook has been great for what I had time for up till now.  However, God and I had a chat about my purpose in life.  You know, that purpose that exists outside of wife and mom which will always come first right after my personal walk with the Lord.  The one that always hits the backburner time and again because wife and mom have things that need to be done NOW.  I went to the Women’s “dotMom Conference” this past weekend put on by Lifeway.  I always go to these things and think, “I would love to be that person on that stage saying these amazing things about God to others.  I would love to be that lady leading worship.”  Right now, I could do two out of three things I want to be able to do one day…I can speak, I can sing, but I still need to learn how to play guitar.  Anyway, focusing on the speaking part because there are way too many people in the world that can sing better than I can, God and I were chatting.  I always ask questions in my mind like “how would I go about being one of them?”  Some ladies have accomplished this goal by the time they are 36, and I have yet to get started.  The answer always goes…they build credibility by teaching small scale and then writing a book.  OK.  I’ve done and am still willing to do any teaching small scale God sends my way.  I love it.  Just not with kids.  I like adults or teenagers.  Next issue…the book.  So, I ask God in all of His wisdom what the difference is between me and the ladies that have written a book.  I can even name personal friends of mine that are published writers that seem to be normal, every day folk like me.  God answered with a deeply profound statement.  Ready for this?  Here comes the big answer from God.  “Renee, they write things down.”  Whoa.  Yeah.  Hmmm.  “You’re right God.  It has been awhile.  It’s been awhile since I actually wrote what You were putting in my head down anywhere intelligibly.”  See, over 10 years ago & before I had kids, I wrote all the time.  I started three books.  One being a daily devotional book.  I really like that one.  Snippets of randomness that I don’t have to spend too much time or go into great depth on.  Just some simple encouragement from Scripture to start the day.  Sometimes I wonder if I could have been given the “Jesus Calling” assignment  or something like it had I kept on writing.  Anyway, I decided that I really need to write in a way that I can find what I’ve written easily to maybe one day put it together for a book.  I was loving doing the financial tips of the day on Facebook.  Then I just completely forgot for days in a row.  Life got crazy raising boys, and it became more hit and miss.  One of my two sweet friends who actually responded positively about my starting to blog with excitement is hoping it’s about finances.  Well, it will be some.  Maybe it will always have a financial tip regardless of the topic.  That is certainly a passion of mine to see God’s people become good stewards of all that He has given us.  This blog included in me being a good steward of what He has given me….a word, time, and a computer.

My sweet husband tells me that he can see me as a great speaker and author.  So, I have a hand full of people in my corner cheering me on to accomplish the goal set before me.  The beginning is taking me time to figure this blog thing out (5 redirects to access this blog that you will notice was last updated when we chose Mark's name).  Check back (maybe tomorrow) for the next installment.  Most of it is already written as a part two of this introduction.  It’s about my desire and calling to do something radical & life changing.  Watch for my Facebook link that part two is up.  It will be worth it.

Now, just for Karen, here is a financial tip of the day:  Support your friends in their endeavors when they are dreaming big dreams to accomplish God's purpose (cause maybe they will be one of the two people excited for you when you start to dream up/fulfill yours).  Maybe you can't afford to buy a ton of home party type stuff for yourself, but Christmas is coming up.  Spending money (on gifts you have to buy anyway) with friends that are selling stuff to support their families and God's work is a great way to further God's Kingdom.  Using your sweet friend who's a Disney travel agent EVEN THOUGH you are totally stressing her out cause you are a control freak (and she actually knows you and you have to see her again) to get your vacation planned helps further God's Kingdom.  Spend your money at places you know honor God.  I'm not saying boycott and all that other places...that is between you and God.  I'm just saying to be faithful with what you spend by giving it to people that are faithful with what they spend first.  Set a budget.  Start your Christmas shopping now a gift each paycheck if you don't have a budget so that you won't have a long list with no money on Christmas Eve and go into debt up to your eyeballs.  Make a plan for presents.  Even if that plan is that presents are scarce this year.  Be thoughtful with the few dollars you can spend.  Planning ahead gives you time to make something special that is cheap that still makes the receiver feel special.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great blog. Definitely should be a speaker. Women need a positive mother to speak to them and encourage.